Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Establishment of Montana State University

This Date in History: April 17, 1893

On April 17, 1893, the long-awaited Agricultural College of Montana opened its Bozeman doors for the first time. Featuring just four faculty members and eight students, the land grant school did not have time to construct any campus buildings before the required operational date of July 1, 1893. As a result, the college’s classes were held in a leased roller skating rink in downtown Bozeman. Although the Agricultural College started out on rocky footings, it eventually garnered a strong reputation, an established campus, and a new distinction as Montana State University. Today, the state university encompasses 1,170 acres in the heart of the Gallatin Valley and features a myriad of both undergraduate and graduate programs. The school’s popularity has significantly grown as well with 694 full-time and 303 part-time faculty serving the needs of over 12,000 total students.

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