Sunday, July 03, 2005

Montana's Favorite State Park: Canyon Ferry Lake

Located on Hwy. 12/287 between Helena and Townsend

As Montana’s most popular state park, Canyon Ferry Lake offers over 76 miles of shoreline notched with quiet coves perfect for swimming, fishing, and picnics. The lake has 25 recreation and camping areas with boat ramps in many of them. It is one of the most popular lakes in the state for water skiing and sailing. It is also a popular area for watching the migration of eagles in November and December.

The lake encompasses a total of 35,000 acres and is 160 feet deep at the north end. The lake covers an area Lewis and Clark described as a beautiful 10 or 12 miles wide and extending as far upriver as the eye could see. Today, the lake is surrounded by a rich agricultural area. The cottonwood studded valley is one of growing hay, grain, sugar beets, seed potatoes and cattle.

The name “Canyon Ferry” originated when John Oakes started ferrying miners and prospectors across the Missouri River Canyon in 1865.

Reprinted from The Ultimate Montana Travel Atlas & Encylopedia

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